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Pianta di limoni Ovale di Sorrento

Sorrento Lemon Farm

Height: 65

€ 30.00

Product description:

Shipments will be made on Mondays and Tuesdays, to avoid the stationing of the plants in the couriers' depots during the weekends, with the consequent deterioration of the purchased product

Sorrento Lemon Farm
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Sorrento Lemon Farm
Pianta di arancio Navelina

Pianta di arancio Navelina

65 cm

€ 25.00

Product details
Pianta di limone Sfusato di Amalfi

Pianta di limone Sfusato di Amalfi

65 cm

€ 30.00

Product details
Pianta di cedro

Pianta di cedro

65 cm

€ 30.00

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Pianta di lime

Pianta di lime

65 cm

€ 25.00

Product details
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